An Almost Wasted Generation

What a sad thing to be from a wasted generation. I remember when growing up in the 90s we were always told that we are the leaders of tomorrow. Was told while in my teens that someone amongst my generation will lead Nigeria into the promise land. We were disciplined, drilled and not given much breathing space by our teachers because they believed they were contributing what they could to ensuring a better country by the time their children came of age. I went to school with some of the brightest and most talented people in this God given earth. I met people my age who’s intellect could match that of some o the best of our foreign counterparts of that time. People who had perfect or high scores in the GCSEs, A-levels and SATs. People who’s minds were tuned for greatness. I remember telling some to remember me when they are famous or in some sort of high position. I confessed I stayed in touch with some just in case. The future of this country looked brighter than a studio spotlight.
Several years down the line, most of these people are no where to be found. Not kidnapped but just missing. Missing in the action most people expected them to be part of. Some are not employed, some are underemployed, while some have just strayed and gone a totally different and unforeseen path with little or no success. The few who have gone to achieve things are doing so outside the country.
This last scenario sheds some light on what the problem is. You see most people in my generation have sold, what could have been a great future, for 30 pieces of silver. We have traded the future that could have been our present in return for some false promise of material wealth and splendour. What could have been ones name in the papers as a leader who is improving the commonwealth of Nigerians has been traded for the promise of a big house, exotic cars and endless bottles of champagne. We now spend more time chasing our own personal gains not knowing that we are having the wrong understanding of how wealth and life works. We fail to realise that unless we are thinking of and doing something to the benefit of others we cannot prosper.
We have gladly given our futures which could have been our present to the older generation who have passed their prime and out lived their effectiveness to this country. An older generation that is clueless as to how to move this country forward in this New Age. People who are still stuck in the old way of thinking. If you say what I’m saying is false then please explain to me why we are still talking about ethnicity and gender as issues in Nigeria till today? That is not the view of our generation. Most developing and developed countries do not discuss ethnicity anymore. They talk about qualification, integrity, efficiency and ability because they are being led by a new generation. Why else will a man of Indian heritage be the Mayor of London or a female as Mayor and Prime Minister of Rome and The UK respectively. Our present leaders are of an older generation who feel they have unfinished business with our treasury or unsettled scores from the 60s,70s or 80s. And we gladly elect them and do their bidding.
Instead of taking charge of our present we allow ourselves to be used as pawns in their political games. We let ourselves be brain washed and turned into terrorists, militants and social miscreants. While they are in their mansions/palaces and their children abroad, we fight, steal and kill ourselves all to their pleasure. I’m only in my 30s and I wonder if and when others from my generation will rise and see what I am seeing. Will we wait till we are in our 60s to take power and rob another generation of their chance? Or do we start now by taking charge of our present and taking the country to where it is meant to be. 30 pieces of silver is not enough to buy our future nor present. It is priceless and so must be treated as such. We need to leave our comfort zones if we are to achieve true comfort. The intellects of my generation need to come together as a group and work together to enlighten others of what tis truly happening. We need to stand strong and be men and women of integrity, strong Morales and values in order for others to follow. We need to stop wasting time on all these vain things, riches and foreign programming and spend more time developing one another. What is the point of being the wealthy person amongst poor people? You will only be asking for trouble. Most of us schooled and lived abroad and saw how people demanded good governance of their leaders. We need to do the same. We need to start building a society of strong Morales and integrity in order to produce such a leader. I always say and will continue to say, “a leader is a reflection of the society he or she came from”.
I’m asking for neither violence nor bloodshed but for an awakening and enlightenment that leads to a collective action that will be done today and shape a bright tomorrow. It isn’t late at all and there is no time. The journey must begin with a step and the revolution must start within us.

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